Sunday, October 23, 2011

Let's Try This Again...

Due to popular demand, I decided to give this blogging thing another shot. A lot has happened since I last wrote well over a year ago. To follow up on my last post, the oil spill wound up having no effect in the keys whatsoever.

Allow me for a minute to briefly update everyone back home on what's new down here. My teaching career is now well underway, and I am proud to say I am in my second year as a high school science teacher here. Just before last school year (2010-11) was set to begin, I got an unexpected last-minute phone call asking if I would be interested in a Chemistry teaching position that had suddenly become available. Of course I took the job, and wound up having a very good year. The powers that be decided to open the first charter high school in the keys this year, and I was given the opportunity to develop and teach the science program. I am now THE science guy at Key West Collegiate School, which operates on the campus of Florida Keys Community College (FKCC).

I am also in school myself, once again. Now that my teaching career has begun and I realize I want to do this for the rest of my working life, I decided to better educate myself. I'm taking classes in Educational Leadership through Nova Southeastern University in Miami Beach (go sharks!). I should have my M.S. in Educational Leadership by this time next year, and will start the PhD program immediately afterward, which is another two years. This will eventually allow me to move into administration. However, even though I go to Nova, I am and always will be a Gamecocks fan!!

Last, but certainly not least, I am in a very serious relationship with my beautiful girlfriend Kathy and we are buying a house together here in town! She works right across the street from me at the hospital, and I could not be happier!

Kathy and I on my balcony by Smathers Beach

The new house, we close on December 1st!

In Miami

On a party boat for my 29th birthday

So, life in Key West has been good to me so far. I promise to try my best to keep up with the blog, and I hope to see you all down here in paradise very soon.....

Till next time....