Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 3: Calling all Parrotheads!

Today I'll just do a quick update....

First of all, Jimmy Buffett is coming to Columbia on February 23rd! Tickets go on sale this saturday, and I'll be getting up bright and early to get good seats. If anyone else is interested, let me know! I saw Jimmy in Charlotte last summer

and it was a great time! It won't be quite the same in the winter, but I'm sure the loyal parrotheads will be out tailgating nonetheless.

Today is cardio day in the gym, and quite frankly I've been pleasantly surprised with how well I've stuck to this diet/workout plan so far. Today I'm going to do 45 minutes of various cardio (bike, elliptical, treadmill), and then some core exercises. If my legs are not in severe pain later I did something wrong! I'm on a 6-day a week workout schedule which goes as follows:

Mondays and Thursdays: Cardio Days

Tuesdays and Fridays: Chest workout

Wednesdays and Saturdays: Back and arms

Sundays: Rest

I'm being very good on the diet too. I had my usual light breakfast with Drew at the bagel shop downtown, and will have my protien shake after my workout, and a salad for dinner tonight.

I've been trying (unsuccessfully) to put away some cash to move with for some time now. Key West is considerably more expensive than Columbia to live in. Looking at houses, the average 3 bedroom rental is about $2500 a month. In Columbia, we pay $890 for a very nice 3-bedroom apartment! I've tried to save some, but it seems like lately I can't blow my nose without someone else needing 400 bucks from me for something. On the bright side, I'll be getting a nice tax refund in a few weeks thanks to President Obama who decided that as part of the stimulus that anyone who payed tuition in 2009 gets a refundable tax credit of at least $1000, so that will be added to the moving fund. I've been trying to work more days substitute teaching, but none of the teachers in my district have been taking days off lately! I suppose they just got back from winter break and are nice and rested, so hopefully this next week I'll have more to do. Ale House has been even worse, with the holiday slowdown. Restaurants in Columbia simply die when USC isn't in session!
Its gonna be a tough transition leaving Columbia, but unfortunately, there comes a point when its necessary to move on. I'm nervous about having new roomates, since I've had the same one since 2004: