Sunday, April 18, 2010

Counting the days....

Happy Sunday to everyone!

So I'm still in Columbia for the next week and a half....

I figured it would be easy to get through the three weeks before heading back to Key West, but it has been anything but easy so far. I'm trying to set aside some extra cash by working all the shifts I possibly can, and its definitely taking its toll. This past week, between both jobs, I have put in close to 80 hours, and I am exhausted! My work schedule is slightly lighter for this coming week (only working 5 nights at the ale house!), but I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

The tentative plan is to have my last day at AH and the schools be thursday the 29th. This would give me another 8 or 9 shifts at AH and would let me work until the end of the pay period at Richland 2, giving me a full paycheck come May 15. I would get on the road friday morning the 30th and drive most of the way, maybe visiting Jordan in Boca again, that seems to be about my 1-day driving limit, about 10 hours. I would wake up on saturday the 1st, and drive the rest of the way (about 4 hours), and get to KW in the early afternoon, so I'll have time to unload my stuff and get settled before dinnertime. Lets hope the actual moving goes that smoothly!

On a side note, ever since the trip earlier this month, I have been very slack with the diet and exercise plan. It may have something to do with having literally no time to go to the gym, but excuses don't make champions (at least thats what my old wrestling coach liked to say!). I haven't put on any weight, still around 165, but I can definitely notice a drop in my energy level and in my mood throughout the day. When I work out in the afternoon, even though I'm physically drained, I feel great for the rest of the day. On that note, I'm not getting in any better shape by sitting here typing, so I'm off to the gym! Thanks for reading, and I'll write again soon!

I have been craving a 22oz. Captain Tony's Amber draft for days now!
....and some steamed shrimp from here....


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