Friday, April 23, 2010

One week...

One week from today I'll be heading south on 95 toward the keys. I'm definitely starting to get nervous and excited at the same time. Today I officially changed my address on my bank accounts, car insurance, etc, and the move feels a whole lot more "real" now!

Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely ready to be done with this insane work schedule I've been putting myself through these past few weeks. It has definitely been worth it though, in my year working at Ale House, I have never done as well as I have been doing lately. Not just on the weekends either..I mean $190 on a monday night, $175 on a wednesday, etc. Over the past 2 weeks, I've been able to stash enough cash for my travel expenses AND first months rent. I want to be able to leave my savings untouched for as long as possible once I get there! My goal is to make about another $350 or so over my last 4-5 shifts at Ale House, which would be my spending money for the first few weeks there, and to work every day, monday-thursday next week at the schools, so I'll have a nice paycheck coming in mid-May.

On a family note, Drew graduates from USC this coming week, and I'm very proud of that. Without going into personal business, college has been a struggle for him at times, and to see him not only finish, but do very well grade-wise, is quite an achievement. About a year ago, long before I decided I was moving to Key West, I booked us on a Carnival cruise for a graduation gift, by far the most elaborate gift I have given anyone thus far in my life. Ironically, the first stop is Key West! So, I have to drive to Miami, get on a plane to Jacksonville, and get on a boat just to be taken right back home. Sounds funny, but I'm sure we'll have a great time, and I look forward to showing my friends around my new hometown. Ryan, Lindsay, Chris (best friend from high school) and Ryan's family will also be on the cruise, so it'll be a great time!

A few things that I need to find time for this next week before I can head south. I need to get my car inspected and would suck to get halfway through florida and break down. I need to figure out what I'm going to do with all my stuff here, since I'm renting a furnished place down there. I'll need to figure out what to bring and what not to bring. I really shouldn't have that much furniture, kitchen stuff, winter clothes, etc. Just my warm-weather wardrobe, bedding, computer, and a few random things should do it!

Thats all for today, no new pictures yet! Wish me luck, and I'll keep you posted!


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